Old-Fashioned Ice Cream with a New-Fangled Twist – Shop will be closed Feb 18 thru April 4th
Sue and Tom create their especially creamy ice cream by starting with old-fashioned techniques, like a high 14 – 16% butterfat content and slow churning to reduce the air in the frozen cream.
Then, drawing on Tom’s chemistry background, he does something pretty advanced – he “blasts freezes” it at -50 F so that the small water crystals in the ice cream freeze very rapidly. Instead of that “grainy” texture you get in most ice creams, you’ll enjoy ice cream that’s smoother and velvety. With 24-hour notice you can take it back home with you to New York or Boston with just a few of your own ice packs.
(Note: 4 hour maximum hold time in an ice pack environment.)